Monday, January 5, 2009

War in Gaza. when is it going to stop????

I almost cry to see how The Palestine are suffering because of the war that currently happens to their country. The war that started by the Fuc*ing shit of Israel. It was just a day after the expired of agreement between Palestine and Israel to hold their weapon…No war for 6 months. Can't you see that, how powerful the wish of Israel to have a war. Just a day after the expiry of the agreement, they started again the war with a reason that the Gaza military bombed them first.

The war that currently have taken about 500 lives of my beloved Brothers and sisters of Palestines that majority are Children and women. This is not a war that suddenly happened but It was planned already. Few months ago they planned their strategy.

But it is not a just a simple plan, it is among the complicated plan that use in war. Yea, they are so clever of taking over poor, unpowerful people through their strategy. Their strategy including using the worlwide media, to get worlwide support to support this stupid country of Israel. Trying to shows to the world that they are not the one who create the war, they just fight back after they were fired.

I understand that, even in Al-Quran stated, the Israel would never stop fighting the Islam until it is end of the world. Just see that, how Israel really hate our religion, they will never stop from fighting unti they win??? I don't think they will win. They use whatever method to be a win ner.For them, there is no reason to stop to fight with Islam.

The war that currently happened in Gaza really open our eyes. People asking for Israel to back off from Gaza, to stop killing innocent people. Unfortunately there is still few people who is blind like Bush, who said Israel are doing a right thing!!. Oh my God, can't he open his eyes to see the real situation happens in the Gaza. Didn’t he watch the news that showing his friend's country are killing innocent people>??

Israel even cut the doors for Emergency supply of foods and materials to arrive in Gaza, saying Gaza already have enough supply in their store. Even United Nation - doing nothing to raise their concerns about the war that happens in Palestine. We really2 hope that war will ending very soon. I think they already had enough happiness and joyful of killing the innocent people in Gaza!

Stop it !!!

Lets pray to our God may this war ending soon and save our Muslim Palestine Brothers and sisters… amin

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