Monday, April 28, 2008

baby body used for smuggling drugs.

"Pray and be prepared for a shock when you read it. This story is extremely >>sad. My sister's co-worker has a sister in Texas who, with her husband, >>was planning a weekend trip across the Mexican border for a shopping >>spree. At the last minute their baby sitter canceled, so they had to bring >>along their two-year-old son with them. They had been across the border >>for about an hour when the baby got free and ran around the corner. The >>mother went chasing but the boy had disappeared. The mother found a police >>officer that told her to go to the gate and wait. Not really understanding >>the instructions, she did as she was told. About 45 minutes later, a man >>approached the border carrying the boy. The mother ran to him, grateful >>that he had been found. When the man realized it was the boy's mother, he >>dropped the boy and ran. The police were waiting and got him. The boy was >>dead. In the (less than) 45 minutes he was missing, he was cut open, ALL >>of his insides removed and his body cavity stuffed with COCAINE. The man >>was going to carry him across the border as if he were asleep. A >>two-year-old boy, dead, discarded as if he were a piece of trash for >>somebody's cocaine. If this story can get out and change one person's mind >>about what drugs mean to them, we are helping. "

I received the video above from my msn contact, It is .... i can't described it. How could human doing this to a baby? Just imagine, a man killed a baby, removed all the internal organ of the baby, just to smuggle cocaine acros the boundary of a country!.

Just because they wanted to get easy money, they used any method which they did not longer consider correct or not, human or inhuman, stupid or not....

This is a real world, a world of today, a day where human getting stupid and stupid and seems to return back to a stone age.... but I believe the life in stone age will never be as tragic as today.

They do anything on anything which they loved and promise to protect it forever before but they can't no longer survive without taking the drug, so they used whatever method that could used to smuggle drug across the boundaries, to sell it to a foreign country even by killing their love one or killing something that they loved before...

What they get? they get money, few seconds of paradise in their drug's world, they never think or they don't want to think, their action causing crying action to others.....

This is a very stupid and stupid action done by a drug addictative.

So guys out there, never ever taking illegal drug... once you are there, it will not easy for you to return back to normal. The effect of drugs is bigger than what you could imagine or think. But there is still a way to's not easy so think the effect first before you want to do something.

Free our country from drug!!!

Say no to drug!

(pics source :,


  1. If the drugs weren't illegal, they wouldn't have to do this.

  2. ^^^THAT is your reaction/thought to this horrible crime?!!! WTF is WRONG WITH YOU?!

  3. if i was that desperate for money, id become a prostitute (i suppose thats harder for guys) or steal or just be homeless. or get a job! i could never imagine physically bringing myself to do this to a little kid, no matter how desperate i was for makes me feel ill :( some people are seriously screwed up!

    but i do agree with sydney, some drugs shouldnt be illegal...cocaine, yeah because its highly addictive. but not weed or extacy. weed is harmless & the only person youre gonna hurt by doing e is yourself. either because you take too many, or because theyre illegal theyre not monitored, so people put all sorts of nasty shit in them. if they werent illegal, they wouldnt have that problem. & you can overdose on any legal drug.

  4. "This tells you the truth and the story!"

  5. Those bastard should DIE! They were assholes!

  6. If drug weren't illegal, they wouldn't have to do this?????? WTF????? You have something wrong with you. They shouldn't do it because its wrong! Who kills a baby just to stuff it full of drug. Oh that right people on drugs do these kinds of things and that is why drugs illegal and should remain that why!!!!!

  7. this is sick how can anyone justify this action.

  8. Yes People are sick, but I dont understand how anyone could think this was a good idea or that it could even work! I have crossed the border with my son who was 2 at the time and in a car seat. We were told to go to secondary inspection and I had to wake my son and remove him from his car seat just so they could look us over. This was 10+ years ago. Also the dogs can smell the drugs. So I have no idea why they would thing a Dead Child would be the answer to their Smuggling Problems. Not only that but it Costs so much money to import a Body that they are actually looking for corpses. That and random animals, fruit and such. Seems like a STORY or NIGHTMARE TALE to me.

  9. my heart just dropped this is the saddest thing I have ever read
