- Black gold or crude oil is formed under the Earth by the decomposition of marine organism.
- The process began many millions of years ago with the development of abundant life.
- The sediments grow thicker and sink into the seafloor under their own weight.
- The mud and sand harden into shale and sandstone;
- carbonate precipitates and skeletal shells harden into limestone;
- and the remains of the dead organisms are transformed into crude oil and natural gas.
- Firstly used in 1556 by German Mineralogist-Georg Bauer and at that time he called this crude oil as “rock oil”
- Composition of oil vary depends on types of oil, where it was found etc but in avearge containing:-
83-87% of Carbon
10-14% of Hyrogen
0.1-1.5% of Oxygen
0.5-6.0% Sulphur
<1000 ppm =" particle">
So it is not surprisingly to see black smoke or smog comes out from burning of oil, due to its composition (mostly of carbon) but our technology that improved the quality of the burning of this fuel that finally produces more efficient burning with less smog produces.
Today’s worldThe price for oil in one barrel now already reach USD137. In February it just cost USD100 per
barrel an even in year 2002 oil price only at USD30 to 40 per barrel
What causes the oil price to rise in that sharp ?
Some said due to OPEC. OPEC control the oil production (reducing) so they can earns more profit
Some said due to loss of customer confidence to oil stock due to report, announcement etc and/or
Some believe due to our worries on oil stocks caused the oil to rise in price.
Rise in oil priceBut we as a Bruneian are so lucky to live in this country as the rise in oil price TOTALLY doesn’t affect our oil price!, if not, we will suffer like in the rest of the world. Just look at our neighbour country, Indonesia. Day after day, more and more protest that finally turns to violent protest because their government are planning to rise the oil price in order to stabilise the country’s economy. The unheard voice of Indonesian people getting louder day after day asking the government to stop from rising another more time of the oil price.
Some blame the government and rest of them blame the major oil production company in the country, Pertamina that was believed reducing the oil production as well as delaying sending stock to the dealer.
But Petamina said
“ We have produce enough oil for this country and there is no point for us to rise the price. Actually it’s not because of oil stock that caused the oil price to rise but our worries that make it happened and to happen again”
Actually this situation are already forecasted years ago.
The sign now getting clear and clear and
the rise in oil price actually really unpredictable as it is very vigorous when active.
Just imagine more than USD25 increase in less than 2months.
BiofuelSo starting few years ago, competition among competitors getting harder in producing biofuel to replace crude oil in the industry.
More and more biofuel and biofuel related materials/machines are produces that are popular with term “green world” such as
Car that use USED vegetable oil in kitchen as fuel(few times broadcasted in Discovery channel)
The popular biofuel is produced in Brazil, they turned sugarcane juice to ethanol that finally become fuel for their car.
Even though this machine successfully produced but up to now, the price of the biofuel are expensive and furthermore less efficient compare to crude oil and the availability of this fuel become the main reason why people still prefer to use vehicle that running on crude oil.
This new technique that what our generation hope to be future fuel indirectly affect the foods price as more and more plant are converted into biofuel leaving insufficient foods to our rising world population.
There is also other machines made to replace the fuel instead of crude oil into other fuel that are maybe renewable, cheaper, easy to get such as hydrogen fuel, water fuel!, battery, solar, etc. But how success it s depending on their technology and brilliant thinker.
Our biofuel technology in the futureIf biofuel are success and can alter and reduce the demand on crude oil, it’s believe that oil price will be reduced in price but than a new problem of environment will be appeared after that and soon the demands on oil will not become a top news that hits the world but it is believe insufficient fertilizer soon will hit the top news everywhere, insufficient of foods will getting worse and algae will increase rapidly in quantity (effect from fertilizer washing down the stream and lake etc ) that finally caused unpredictable damage to our environment. Although this is just a prediction but there is possibility for them to happen. Remember even today, we already have insufficient foods to feeds everyone in the world and food price also getting worse so if biofuel are produced, more foods will be use to make biofuel leaving insufficient food supply and this will create more worse problem than the demand on oil.
The best way to help the world is by reducing the quantity of fuels use everyday..Actually all of us can do it but we are not so concern about it since oil price still cheap for some of us. To stop from using machine running on oil is not a good action since almost impossible for us to do it. But it is also good to have a backup to have biofuel in worries that our crude oil will finish soon....
So are you waiting for it to happen first then make an action, our you start to make an action first before it happened? The world depends on your decision.
(Reference : Micrososft Encarta)
(images sources,,,